My work at Codemasters was mainly focused in the digital studio where I assisted developed of multiple titles on iOS and web browser games, I also spent dev time assisting the central art studio the la. My role as group lead to a team of artists from senior to junior within the digital studio has enabled me to successfully delegate and coordinate our workload, hold regular 1 to 1 assessments of staff performance as well as successfully timeline our output and project our course.
DIRT Rally
I was responsible for creating new track layouts for the france tracks col di turini, This included the reworking and creation of the modular kit peices used to construct the track surface. additional i reworked the town center area which a was better reflected look to the real world location. I also spent time constructing tree/ foliage layouts for both Sweetlamn and col di turini drives.
Drive USA (iOS)
I was responsible for setting up a new art pipeline based around the free runner styled game, this consisted of working closely with our graphics programmer to set up a new functionality system which would enable us to call in a set of randomly placed tiles. With functionality in place, my focus was to create the main tile sets which are based on the mid west, highway & mountain locations. Whilst working on the tile set I delegated duties to my art team which consisted of modelling the player vehicles and asset prop creation for propagating these tiles.
Boom tanks and F1 challenge
My main responsibility on both titles was to oversee and delegate tasks to specific staff attached to each project, making sure all work was completed on time and to a high standard within the specific allocated budgets.
F1 Online
F1 online was a web browser based unity developed, top down racing game. The servers for the game are currently offline. I was responsible for setting up the art pipeline for this title. All assets within the licensed portion of the game were optimized F1 2011 assets. My tasks included optimizing the race circuits and trackside assets, buildings fences etc. and integrating them into the unity engine as well as creating 6 original race circuits to be used in the online multi player. I was responsible for building from the ground up, 2 original circuits as well as delegating the other 4 tracks to staff that reported directly to me. The remaining licensed circuits from the 2012 season were outsourced to our outsource partner Komodoz in Indonesia which allowed me to travel oversees to direct and ensure the tasks required were completed inline with our benchmark standards