Studio works from 2000 to 2010
I started my career in the games industry at Atari Melbourne House, the first game I worked on was test drive leman, first order of the day was to model the save icons for the dreamcast verison of the game, I worked at Melbourne house from 2000 to 2006 and in that time I worked on three games all with long development cycles,
TestDrive Unlimited XBOX 360
Transformers PS2
Grand Prix Challenge PS2
From 2006 to 2009 I worked at Kromestudios
were I was fortunate enough to work on the Starwars IP
Starwars - the force unleashed WII
Starwars - lightsaber duels WII
Transformers - revenge of the fallen WI
In 2010 I moved to the UK and initially worked a 6 month contract at EA in Guildford of which I assisted in the development of Create, for Xbox 360, PS3 and Wii